Plastic-eating enzyme ‘cocktail’ heralds new hope for plastic waste

The same team who re-engineered the plastic-eating enzyme PETase have now created an enzyme ‘cocktail’ which can digest plastic up to six times faster. The scientists who re-engineered the plastic-eating enzyme PETase have now created an enzyme ‘cocktail’ which can digest plastic up to six times faster. A second enzyme, found in the same rubbish … More Plastic-eating enzyme ‘cocktail’ heralds new hope for plastic waste

Process that might have led to first organic molecules

New research could have relevance to search for extraterrestrial life, green chemistry New research identifies a process that might have been key in producing the first organic molecules on Earth about 4 billion years ago, before the origin of life. The process, which is similar to what might have occurred in some ancient underwater hydrothermal … More Process that might have led to first organic molecules